Top 6 best books for Forex trading

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We have put together a list of some of the best Forex books where we can assure you works and is ideal for both beginning traders looking into how the Foreign Exchange market works, and Forex strategies for beginners and for seasoned traders, who want to expand their wisdom of the financial realm.

Currency Trading For Dummies – by Kathleen Brooks

top 6 best books for forex trading

One of the simplest and user-friendly entries on this list. It’s a good read for first-timers who want to trade or research Forex strategies for beginners and the market it takes place in, and Forex strategies for beginners. Like most Forex books, this will delve into what Forex trading is, how the Forex market works.

The Simple Strategy – by Markus Heitkoetter

top 6 best books for forex trading

The Simple Strategy by Markus Heitkoetter is a powerful, trend-relevant guide for trading in Forex, Forex strategies for beginners as well as futures, stocks, and ETFs. The highlights in these forex books cover how to strategize clear entry and exit rules, how to tackle and take advantages of small intra-day trends, and the introduction to simple trading softwares and how to use them.

Forex: A Beginner’s Guide to Forex Trading, Forex Trading Strategies – by Matthew Maybury

top 6 best books for forex trading

With Maybury’s series of Forex books, you get the complete guide and knowledge in basics, including how to start and retain your position when trading in Forex, the best strategies to employ, and how to minimize your losses and risk-taking ventures. The book also includes strategies in forex trading for beginners.

Foreign Exchange Option Pricing: A Practitioner’s Guide – by Iain J. Clark

top 6 best books for forex trading

This can be thought about jointly as one of the best Forex books that covers practically anything that should do with Forex. Written and researched by a Finance Practitian himself, this Forex book contains essential data that any trader or analyst would require to own when operating in the finance world. 

The Black Book of Forex Trading – by Paul Langer

top 6 best books for forex trading

As most alternative Forex books go, this one features many strategies and guides that has been tried and tested in real Forex market environments. An advanced Forex book that seasoned traders would realize as intriguing on every level. These Forex books investigate the three main areas that are very important for Forex traders. These areas are how to blueprint profitable strategies custom-fitted to your modus vivendi, determining and minimizing risks. 

FOREX: Using Fundamental Analysis & Fundamental Trading Techniques to Maximize your Gains – by Dave Matias

top 6 best books for forex trading

The last, but not the smallest on this list is one of Dave Matias’ Forex books. One thing to note is, whereas this Forex book focuses on the importance of fundamental analysis when making forecasts on market movements, it doesn’t outshine the importance of technical analysis and does a great job of blending both types. The book also features Forex strategies for beginners.


Anna Khanenko|+44-555-6123-137

Anna Khanenko is a professional cryptocurrency investor, business and mutual fund analyst. In this blog she publishes the most important information from her financial analytics experience.

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